Thursday, October 16, 2008


Yesterday, my cousin Carol passed away. She is the beautiful woman in the picture with our uncle Jimmy. Yes, he's 80 something and he's Uncle Jimmy. Carol was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few weeks ago after a horrible headache sent her to the emergency room. Surgery took place last week, the tumor had take residence in her brain, they got what they could, and started radiation and possibly chemotherapy. She was in rehab, when Tuesday night, they found her unconscious, her brain was swelling. She remained in a coma until passing away yesterday afternoon.

It doesn't seem quite real, she was a vibrant, caring individual, who has seen more heartbreak than one could bear. Losing her first husband after 5 years of marriage, leaving 2 boys, age 2 and 4. Losing a son at 21 to a motorcycle accident. The death of her second husband 2 years ago to cancer. Now we say goodbye to her on Saturday. I wanted to ask today - what did she do to deserve this, when it hits me, this IS her reward, she is receiving her crowns of glory.

We love you, Carol!

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